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Small white in a sentence

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Sentence count:72Posted:2019-03-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: bullwhipin a small waysmall wondersmall wonder thatwhitewhiteywhitenwhitedMeaning: n. small widely distributed form. 
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61. A perennial North American herb (Oxypolis rigidior) having pinnately compound leaves and umbels of small white flowers.
62. Du Du then a leap a to jump of heel at his behind, JEREMY SCOTT ADIDAS PANDA BEAR "Small white, binding of long time, need an activity to exercise, then just can fly."
63. Any of several weedy, low-growing herbs of the genera Spergula or Spergularia, especially Spergula arvensis native to Europe, having linear whorled leaves and small white flowers.
64. Any of several Old World plants of the genus Melilotus in the pea family, having compound leaves with three leaflets and narrow racemes of small white or yellow flowers.
65. Small white or red bumps on the buttocks are most likely keratosis pilaris.
66. Asteroid hyalosis is a degenerative condition of the eye involving small white opacities in the vitreous humor.
67. The river cluster of small white sticky goose down in a row,[] cheerful swim to swim.
68. It was a tilbury harnessed to a small white horse.
69. INTRODUCTION: The elegant girl stands there quietly like a small white poplar.
70. Any of several plants of the genus Lepidium, especially the North American species L. virginicum, having small white flowers and pungent foliage and seeds.
71. The edge of purple glans penis is also some small white particles ...
72. Melilotus in the pea family, having compound leaves with three leaflets and narrow racemes of small white or yellow flowers.
More similar words: bullwhipin a small waysmall wondersmall wonder thatwhitewhiteywhitenwhitedwhiteswhite outoff-whitewhite-outwhiteoutmill wheelwhite goldsnow-whitewhite antwhite-tiewhite manwhite lieegg whitewhite-hotwhite foxwhite tiewhitenerwhitenedwhite-washwhitewashwhitecapwhite hope
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